FAQ BudgertRuitershop

Q1: What is the delivery time of Budget Ruitershop?
A1: The delivery time of Budget Ruitershop is 1-5 working days.

Q2: How can I pay for my order at Budget Ruitershop?
A2: At Budget Ruitershop you can pay via iDeal, PayPal, Credit Card, Bancontact/Mister Cash and Sofort Banking.

Q3: Does Budget Ridershop offer international shipping?
A3: Yes, Budget Ridershop also offers international shipping.

Q4: Can I return my order at Budget Ruitershop?
A4: Yes, it is possible to return your order within 14 days of receipt.

Q5: Does Budget Ruitershop have a physical store that I can visit?
A5: No, at the moment Budget Ruitershop does not have a physical store. They are only active online.
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