Costumer service

At we will do our best to provide the best possible service. We do indeed sometimes have complaints about our delivery times, because we want to keep prices low and we usually do not deliver within 24 hours. Our delivery time is on average 3-5 working days after ordering in the shop. Some items that come from Italy even take a little longer to arrive.
Do you have a question about our service, our range or would you like additional information?


For urgent: can be reached daily by telephone during office hours from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on number T +31 499 332258 (B.Saris Company BV)

Do you have a complaint?
We recommend that you first report any complaints to us by emailing

If this does not lead to a solution, it is possible to register your dispute for mediation via Stichting WebwinkelKeur. From February 15, 2016, it is also possible for consumers in the EU to register complaints via the ODR platform of the European Commission. This ODR platform can be found at If your complaint is not yet being processed elsewhere, you are free to file your complaint via the European Union platform. Company BV
Telephone 0499-332258 Mon to Fri 9am-5pm

Post/Office address:
Bosscheweg 17 5735GR

Chamber of Commerce 72461020
VAT NO. NL859116852B01

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Hulp nodig?

Bel ons via 0499-332258